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Expanding our Building 
Expanding our reach

Since 1985, SCCM has been serving our neighbors in need through food, financial and clothing assistance. In 1995, we moved into our current building located at 506 S. 1st Street, offering three programs to serve Stanly County. Now, in 2022, we offer over ten programs to serve our neighbors in need. In the last three years, we have averaged fulfilling over 72,000 client requests per year across all our programs. We expect these numbers to increase in 2022 once all government aids and moratoriums come to an end. After years of growth, it is time once again for us to Grow to Serve to meet the needs of our neighbors.


Our Growing to Serve campaign will allow us to expand our food warehouse, which acts as our distribution center for all our programs, by 5,000 square feet. This expansion will give us the space needed to expand current programs and add new ones in the year ahead. 


Your support of SCCM's Growing to Serve Campaign will be instrumental in helping us achieve the following:

  • Add 5,000 Square Feet of Warehouse for food storage and programs

  • Convert the current Food Pantry to a Grocery Market 

  • Add a Volunteer Training room 

  • Add Office space for all our employees

  • Add a Project Assembly Room for us to pack food boxes


Thank you for your support and help us live into our mission of sharing Christ's love by providing assistance and support to our neighbors in need.


SCCM was established in 1985 by a community of churches seeking to serve their community in need. Our non-profit now cares for the needs of our neighbors who live in Stanly County through food and financial assistance. Our goal is to share love and hope with each individual we meet.


Financial information about this organization and a copy of its license are available from the State Solicitation Licensing Branch at 919-814-5400. The license is not an endorsement by the State.

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T: 704.982.7915

F: 704.985.1905

Send us an email


Office Address:
506 S. 1st Street, Albemarle, NC 28001

Mailing Address:
PO Box 58, Albemarle, NC 28002

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